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NO Nuclear
This series express radiation hazard. The people face the fear of death. nuclear power will do harm to our health and safety.
radiation pollution, sick children, eradicated food and abandoned pets.
My child is armless.一、懷孕的母親生下了不健全的小孩。 | I've lost sight.二、因輻射而失明。 | Radiation killed Bobo.輻射污染使寵物死亡。 | “More power shortage,” says the gove反映能源危機的現況 |
My cat is left in the forbidden are五、當核災發生,撤離災區時寵物被迫留在當地。 | To tell the truth, I don't want to d六、以捆綁住的身體無法動彈來表現心理層面的緊張與不安。 | Where there is nuclear disaster, the七、若核災發生人民將無處可逃。 | Eradiated tomatoes taste so good.八、受污染的農作物。 |
No nuclear, no power.九、過度依賴核能的反思。 | How old could I live to?十、輻射環境長大的小孩抵抗力較衰弱,充滿病痛。 |
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